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5 Ways to Maintain a Positive Attitude

Being positive sometimes is easy, maintaining it can be much more of a struggle depending on where you are at in your journey. Here’s some tips to help you stay mindful and positive!

  • Clean up! Organization is a fantastic way to help gain control of your environment and reduce stress. Learn to enjoy the simple tasks, be it home maintenance, personal grooming, preparing meals, if you approach the task at hand with a loving attitude and look at it in a way that you are benefiting yourself and your own mental health it can be a much more enjoyable experience.
  • All that clutter on your desk, in your kitchen drawers, hidden away in closets, GET RID OF IT, you will not believe how little you actually need to live comfortably. Not to mention how much simpler it is to follow step 1 after.
  • Feed your body not your appetite. Food should give you energy and mental stimulation, you should not feel tired or lazy after you eat, if you do that is a clear indication that you should not be eating that food as it has not served its purpose, to nourish and energize.
  • Be mindful of who you surround yourself with. Stop and really listen to people talking, what message are they presenting? A positive one? Or negative? I am not saying that you should stop talking to your oldest friend because they are having a hard time, just to take some time and assess your friendships in a way that will help you continue to change and evolve for the better.
  • Carry yourself well, be aware of what you allow into your subconscious, you don’t want to be creating negative messages or listening to them on the radio, television or from the people around you.

Application is key, take your time and consider what changes you want to make to meet your goals, what will benefit you most? Once that is figured out it is just a matter of prioritizing and being always mindful. If you enjoyed this list please like, comment, and follow for more!

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